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Keyboard short cut

PyConsole supports the following keyboard short cut

  1. Normal Input:
key bindingcommand
Enterrun code under current input
Shift + Enterenter a new line
Ctrl + Enterrun command
Arrow upgo to previous command
Arrow downgo to next command
Ctrl + k / pgo to previous command
Ctrl + j / ngo to next command
Ctrl + ago to start of command
Ctrl + ego to end of command
Ctrl + dKeyboard Interrupt (firefox addon currently not working)
Ctrl + hmove cursor left by one character
Ctrl + lmove cursor right by one character
Ctrl + uclear content of current line
  1. Auto Complete:
key bindingcommand
TabSelect next auto complete
Ctrl + jSelect next auto complete
Ctrl + kSelect previous auto complete
Escexit autocomplete pop up menu
  1. Vim normal mode:
key bindingcommand
EscSwitch to vim normal mode
iInsert character to left of cursor